
Monday, November 8, 2010

Photoshop Today

Today, we followed a tutorial in Photoshop to learn all the skills that a novice at Photoshop needed to know. We transformed this picture...
öztürk, Yasin. business business. N.d. Stock.xchng - the Leading Free Stock 
     Photography Site. HAAP Media Ltd., 22 Aug. 2007. Web. 8 Nov. 2010. 
Into this picture...
Not too bad, I think! To make the second picture, we used a lot of the tools in the 'Image' tab in Photoshop. I used the 'Auto Levels' tool in the Adjustments tab, learned how to use contrast to make the image look better, used 'Soft Light' for my layer, and made it black and white. Then, I cropped and resized my image (I made it a bit bigger only- The tutorial told us to make it about 800 x 600. I made mine about half that size...) Also, I added a small black border around it. 

I did the same thing in this picture: 

Maeda, Michiru. A Kitten. N.d. Stock.xchng - the Leading Free Stock Photography 
     Site. HAAP Media Ltd., 13 Sept. 2010. Web. 8 Nov. 2010.

The border was a bit bigger, and I changed the curves a bit more to my 
It's not a mustachioed cat, but it's still cool!


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