
Monday, November 29, 2010

Adobe Illustrator and Pixels & Vectors

The main assignment today was to play in Adobe Illustrator. Another name for this program would be...well, something not very nice. I thought Photoshop was bad...Illustrator is an entirely new beast. It's like figuring out the most complicated math problem in the world and then finding out that they made another one while you were solving it.
Yeah..I don't like Illustrator. All of the tutorials that we looked at were either too complicated or not helpful at all, because they were outdated. I ended up with this somehow...

What IS that? I think it could be a piece of lost alien technology, but who knows?
Anyway, we also needed to look at the difference between a picture made of pixels, and a picture made of vectors. Vector based imagery is based on using lines (vectors) to draw an image. The vectors are resolution independent, because scaled, they are still the same resolution (As sort of demonstrated above). Pixel based imagery is based on using pixels, which are individual units in the image, to make an image- they're resolution dependent, because if you scale a pixel, it becomes blurrier. Each pixel has its own place in the picture in pixel-based imagery, while in vector-based imagery points, lines, curves, and polygons are used to make an image.

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